Uncontrolled accumulation and spread of small arms and light weapons (SALW) pose a threat to peace and security, and reduce the prospects for sustainable development. Illegal cross-border activities coupled with relatively weak administrative, legislative and regulatory measures on weapons within ECOWAS member states have contributed to the indiscriminate proliferation of SALW within the Sub-region. In response to the above challenges, the National Commission on Small Arms was established by an Act of Parliament in 2007, (Act 736) with the main objective of dealing with matters relating to Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and among other things educates the public on the dangers of proliferation of small arms to our peace, security and development. Since its establishment and in fulfillment of its mandate, NACSA has embarked on and continues to implement various programmes and activities. The Commission has undertaken several community sensitization programmes including collection of confiscated weapons for destruction and educating the general public on the dangers associated with the abuse of small arms. The Commission’s website has been designed to inform the public, investors and other stakeholders with interest in the fight against the proliferation of small arms. The Commission has also designed a number of activities and projects of interest to these categories of actors. These include capacity-building and training programmes for security agencies, engagement with local arms producers/gunsmiths on alternative livelihood ventures, weapons collection and destruction exercises and last but not the least public education. These interventions are clear commitments by Ghana that the control of Small Arms and Light Weapons ought to be illuminated and observed closely because there is a strong nexus between Small Arms and Light Weapons proliferation and development. Considering the complexity and enormity of the challenge and the increasing dynamics in the proliferation and cross border transfer of SALW the Commission has an arduous task to perform. With the determination of NACSA to help safeguard the relative peace and stability in Ghana, the Commission invites support and suggestions from all stakeholders and indeed from the general public to execute its mandate effectively. Â